MARMAS specialises in research approaches for different types of advertising mediums. The sometimes complex multi-level random samples or research designs allow for a representative media coverage in selected institutions according to the law on unfair competition (UWG). This is in compliance to standards set by the German Advertising Federation (ZAW), the Working Group Media Information on Professional and Special Magazines (AMF) as well as the European Norm for Media Analyses.
In the printing sector, the surveys include the contents and subsequent publication of the categories of the AMF cards 4, 3L, and 3E.
MARMAS performs analyses of readership structure, audience structure analyses as well as coverage analyses using a number of research methods that fall into four categories:
- Analyses with secondary data (such as evaluations of sales databases),
- Written and digital surveys of recipients or receivers/ users/ target groups,
- Verbal surveys of users/ target groups (personal/ by phone)
- Technical measurements (audience/online research) and observation (poster advertising exposure and poster audience investigations [coverage]).