For the purpose of a comparative advertising, MARMAS specialises in the preparation of research results according to the law on unfair competition (UWG). This includes the preparation of media information cards according to standards set by the Working Group Media Information on Professional and Special Magazines (AMF, cards 4, 3L, and 3E), as well as the representative media coverage in selected institutions and target groups according to the law on unfair competition (UWG).
The preparation for complex study approaches includes extensive documentary duties. These are governed by the ZAW-Framework for Media Analyses (contents and duties of lodgement). MARMAS is known for its detailed publications about research approaches, some of which influenced the ZAW-Framework for Media Analyses, and go beyond these standards.
MARMAS consults, supports, and contributes to the verified audit of circulation by the German Audit Bureau of Circulation (IVW).